Lachlan Page has lived in Colombia, South Korea, Europe, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. He has worked as: a volcano hiking guide, a red cross volunteer, a marketing analyst, a language teacher, a university lecturer, and an extra in a Russian TV series (in Panama).

He has travelled to over 50 countries and loves nothing more than exploring new places, many of which influence his writing.

He holds a double degree in International Business and International Relations and an MA in Linguistics. An avid language learner, he speaks Spanish fluently, deteriorating French, ‘Portuñol’ Portuguese, ‘Yoda-like’ Indonesian, and basic ‘taxi-restaurant’ Korean (and can read the Korean alphabet) and a smattering of several other languages.

His first novel, MAGICAL DISINFORMATION, is set in Colombia and follows an analyst for British Intelligence, Oliver Jardine, who begins to fabricate his intelligence reports to remain in the country close to a love interest.

His second, THE GENERAL OF CARACAS, sees a dissident Venezuelan general arrive in Spain on Oliver Jardine’s doorstep. Only shadowy forces emanating from Caracas follow his every move, sending Jardine and the general on a chase across Spain and Portugal to arrive at Lisbon airport.

He has also written the novella, THE SMUGGLER’S APPRENTICE OF GUATEMALA, about a backpacker who is recruited by MI6 to uncover a smuggling network.
